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The future of Canada’s advancing automotive industry is founded on a driving workforce of skilled professionals with specializations in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics…

Canada’s population is getting older. The 2016 Consensus results are in and for the first time in Canadian history, the number of seniors…

Adrienne Roberts, a writer for the Wall Street Journal (WSJ), published an article last week concerning the impact digital sales are having on automobile…

The Internet of Things (IoT) has changed the way we live. It has connected us to everyone and everything in an effort to make…

If numbers don’t lie, they are telling us that Canadians love their vehicles. The demand for cars in Canada continues to increase as…

Eight out of ten people who read this post have made a purchase online. Technology, specifically e-commerce, has changed the economy, and the retail…

We are only two months into the new year, and already the world of financial technology, or fintech, is seeing huge geographic shifts. Some fintech…

Last Christmas, we gathered around a boardroom table at one of our office locations to make a phone call to a very special…

Earlier this month, a user on, a knowledge sharing forum, asked a very interesting question, “What are some ways that the fintech industry…

No one likes being stuck in traffic. It’s frustrating, tedious, and a waste of valuable time. What if someone told you that there’s a…

Has a peaceful drive ever turned frantic after some weird dashboard symbol began flashing? If you’re like some drivers, the face of your go-to…

The idea of a device tracking you while you drive seems like a concept straight out of a spy movie. Black boxes are no…

Are you stuck with a high interest rate on a car loan? If so, you might feel like the kid who wasn’t invited to…

At the beginning of 2016, the Ontario government launched a pilot project that allowed autonomous vehicles (AVs) to be tested on Ontario roads. This…

When a lender says you “don’t qualify for a car loan”, the cycle of negative thinking fires off like a light show on New…

There was a time when village elders in some parts of the world, would send boys out with bows and arrows, to kill a…

Imagine the brightest kid in class, who could someday land a six-figure job at a bank, ending up broke by the time he’s just…

Moving to a big country like Canada is a heart-pounding experience, because you will likely feel excited and nervous at the same time….

Let’s say you end up with a car loan, but the interest rate is higher than what you really want. You might cringe a…

The title question is one that comes up frequently on discussion forums. It’s a valid question. The install base of self-driving cars is expected…