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Snap a pic of something at the right time, and it can turn out to be absolute genius or utterly embarrassing. A Google image search…

We all love car ads. Even though their images are exaggerated, confusing and occasionally offensive, we all have to admit that we’ve bought or at…

Driving your conventional 4-door sedan may not seem to have anything in common with the experience of driving a $10 – $15 million Formula 1…

What’s the fastest you’ve ever driven? Some of you may not want to admit it, because it’s the number that would make you seem…

Driving in a city like Toronto can be a never-ending nightmare at times, from start to finish. Being stuck in traffic alone is…

To live a stress-free life, someone might utter the phrase, “don’t sweat the small stuff”, or an expression that’s close to it. However, that same…

Have you ever left home, telling yourself you’re only going to buy one item, but returned with three or four? It’s not weakness; persuasion is…

March is Fraud Prevention Month, and to honour its importance, we’ve decided to discuss a very important topic – lemons. We’re not talking…

Driving is a major pain at times, and some of its hassles aren’t always easy to joke about. We’ve all had our share of bad…

A financial app, a financial advisor, or even a financial book can’t save you from debt – at least not by themselves. Your mindset is…

Back in elementary or high school, your math teacher may have villainized the calculator. They made it seem like a force for evil since kids…

You’re cruising along a crowded downtown street – let’s say Yonge Street – and there’s traffic to your left, and a line of…

Buick has an ad campaign running where people see their new cars and mistake them for something else, or even deny that they are Buicks….

Ignore anyone who says video games are a waste of time. Car racing games develop driving skills (and other car-related skills) that can leap from…

It takes just a second or two for a peaceful drive to turn treacherous. Thanks to cameras in their various forms, whether they’re…

If you were a soldier, you wouldn’t ditch your camo for an orange jumpsuit, unless you deliberately wanted to be a moving target. But that…

The next best vehicle to look out for is the Back to the Future car. It was just a little over 30 years…

Hagglers are people you can admire and despise at the same time. You’ve probably dealt with at least one of them. They’re the kind of…

When we think of conspiracy theories, we usually think of The Moon Landing, President Obama’s birth certificate, and the belief that Paul McCartney is no…

After a ten minute session of snow-brushing and de-icing, you plop yourself into your car, switch on the ignition, crank the heater up, and sit…